Pride Month Queer Climbing Night


On the last Friday of every month, we host Queer Climbing Night, as a way to celebrate mind and body, while connecting with LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies. Pride Month marked our 6th meetup of the year, and was one of the best yet.

A whopping 163 climbers showed up at The Spot Denver to climb and celebrate pride with us. On top of that, our community raised $375 for the Transgender Center of The Rockies, which provides holistic gender-affirming services to support transgender, non-binary, and gender-expansive individuals in Colorado.

We also enjoyed drag bingo and queer trivia from local performer, Dixie Krystals, and the company of Front Range Queer Climbers (FRAQC), Physio Room Physical Therapy, Cotopaxi, Hoplark, and others.

Check out our photos from the event below, and we’ll see you next time!

The Spot