How to use a Kilter Board


Available at The Spot Denver and The Spot Golden, the Kilter Board is a light-up climbing board that you control with your phone. Anyone can access a worldwide database of boulder problems, or create their own to share with other climbers. What’s even cooler is that the board’s angle is adjustable (thanks to hydraulics!), allowing you to climb at a low angle (15 degrees) or a steep angle (40 degrees). If you send a boulder problem at one angle, try climbing the same problem at a steeper angle to increase the difficulty gradually over time. To get started, download the Kilter Board app, then watch the video below for some useful tips.

Get the app

The Kilter Board app allows you to find our gyms’ boards (just search for The Spot Denver or The Spot Golden), connect via Bluetooth, and start climbing within minutes.

After setting up your hold layout, you’ll see thousands of boulder problems to choose from and can even filter them by a specific grade range. Tap on a boulder to load it onto the board:

  • Start holds are green

  • Feet only holds are yellow

  • Hand and foot holds are blue

  • Finish holds are purple

You can even create your own boulder problems, by tapping the + icon at the bottom, then tapping on holds that you’d like to include. Finally, you’ll name your problem and suggest a grade, and anyone will be able to find it and try it.