Core Exercises for the Climber


Climbing is a complex sport! Climbers need their core to stabilize while they’re scrunched, extended, dynamic, twisting, and everything in between. But core doesn’t just mean sit-ups. It means strengthening all of the muscles that stabilize the spine, ribs, and pelvis. Here are four core exercises that will help you in multiple varied positions on the wall.

Copenhagen Side Planks (3 sets x 8-12 reps, each side)

For wide, extended positions with your knee dropped, you can perform Copenhagen side planks. These planks activate adductors in your hips as well as your obliques and QL to ensure you’re strong in this position on the wall.

Medicine Ball V-Sit to Russian Twist (3 sets x 12 reps)

For having to extend off a high foot – transitioning from a crunchy position to an extended position – perform medicine ball v-sits to Russian twists. Ensure on the way down that your low back is flat against the ground. If these are too difficult, perform without a medicine ball.

Snow Angels (3 sets x 12 reps)

For moves that require matching your hands off an extended foot, prone snow angels are an excellent option for activating your posterior chain and muscles between your shoulder blades. Point your toes, keep your palms up, and bring both arms and legs out to the side at the same time. Keep your forehead down! 

TRX Single Leg Extensions (12 reps each side)

For maintaining tension while roof climbing and avoiding cutting your feet, try TRX (or ring) single-leg extensions. Keep your toe on an elevated surface and lift your hips up, “tucking your tail” as you go.

Thank you to Dr. T.H. David at Evolution Physical Therapy for sharing this article.